Instagram 推薦
61,980 個讚
mlb @lindor12bc in motion. #SpringTraining
72 個讚
love._.love0924 好想這個臭女人 👉👈
523,875 個讚
ladygaga Spread your #lovein3words. Tune in to the Oscars tonight ❤
403,789 個讚
instagram "We threw the stick with them for hours and they never slowed down," says Jackson Fager (@jacksonfager) of a day at Cape Town's Noordhoek Beach with his friend's dogs, Tatu and Bwana. Jackson recently moved from Brooklyn to South Africa with his wife and daughter. "Seeing these uninterrupted expanses of land where people and animals roam so freely is contagious and liberating," he says. #TheWeekOnInstagram Photo by @jacksonfager
5 個讚
ching_1922 從南到北.走走停停👍🏼
37 個讚
zuo_qing_ping 來真的!追蹤rise7775就有機會送NB限量後背包
4 個讚
ru_0320 那段時間我們一起度過歡笑,會想起來還是會笑,但是傷心事想起來,眼淚依舊留個不停!為你哭了好多!曾想放棄但卻依然捨不得放開這段真摯的感情!到頭來放棄的念頭依舊存在,只是不敢有所行動,只為了不要在離別的前夕見證一切都消失無影無蹤!離別前強忍著難過,而我們卻笑笑的跟對方說了再見!我心裡一直不想說的再見,卻是必須對對方說的話!看著你轉身而過的背影!我的心裡已經哭得痛哭流涕,而我在人群裡一直強忍著,直到自己一個人獨處後,才落下強忍已久的眼淚…😭
59 個讚
heywei0815 2.26🙋🏼 Bye~NYC🇺🇸 本來期待下雪的紐約❄️ 結果是個溫暖宜人的天氣~哈哈 這樣也很棒~ 謝謝朋友和朋友的朋友 成就這段美麗的旅途~~ 這次深深體會到「出外靠朋友」這句話 再會~紐約~~~~~~~~ P.S這次我帶了細菌紀念品回家😂 #NYC #bye
50 個讚
m302621 開心的一天 期待下次的來臨~~😊
6 個讚