
2017年3月3日 星期五

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mlb #FlashbackFriday to @ycespedes52 flashing those wheels for Team Cuba. (via @wbcbaseball)

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65 個讚

love._.love0924 一步一腳印 💋 不後悔遇見你 💕

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ladygaga Love is knowing you were born this way! Support @BTWFoundation and help share kindness and compassion at theloveproject2017.com #lovein3words

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12 個讚

ching_1922 Merry Christmas ❤❤❤

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447,935 個讚

instagram A sunflower, a unicorn's horn, a piece of tropical fruit and a newborn chick are some of the elements Brazilian designer Fernanda Guimarães (@cancanacessorios) has combined to create her imaginative head ornaments, often worn during Brazil's Carnival celebrations. "Female strength inspires me," the 32-year-old says. "I want my work to empower women, and it's amazing to be able to create head ornaments that will remind women that they are all goddesses and queens." Although Fernanda's creations are a result of her vivid imagination, her creative process starts in real life: "I travel to places where head ornaments are part of the culture, and I am constantly researching women's fashion and old vintage costumes, especially from the 1920s." Fernanda started her business eight years ago, but her love of Carnival dates back to when she was just 3 years old. "My mom took me to a party where all the kids were beautiful and looked just like cartoon characters," she remembers. Discover more stories from Brazil on @instagrambrasil. Photo by @cancanacessorios

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27 個讚

zuo_qing_ping 哥說有幾個人就送幾個背包、追蹤@rise7775 通通送給你

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11 個讚

ru_0320 是天空讓麻雀心甘情願的朝他飛奔而去的😘 因為天空是麻雀一直很嚮往的國度😆

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24 個讚

heywei0815 3.3-2🍪 這就是所謂的濃眉大眼嗎🤣 #好好笑的餅乾 #謝謝組長 #來自九州

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19 個讚

m302621 #沖繩美國村 #沖繩海洋博公園 #首里城 #古宇利大橋 第一次的自由行在沖繩畫下美好的句點😊😊😊 期待下次旅程的到來✈️✈️✈️

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